This is a commission drawing I did of a photograph taken in Stockholm, Sweden. I enjoyed drawing this. The mix of subject matter was fun for me. All of the structure and semi-exactness of the buildings demanded a lot of focus, so by the time I got to the organic line quality of the water, I was ready to be more free and intuitive about the line placement.
Plans to draw more landscape scenes in the works...
Just a donkey illustration. Micron pen and copic marker on Bristol paper. Made for a greeting card, also pictured below.
Hello! I decided I should once again, begin sharing drawings on here as I make them. I'm hesitant to commit to another one-a-day thing, because I have 5 paintings in progress right now. I like a challenge though, so we'll see how frequent the drawings turn out!
Today I did a drawing of Kendrick Lamar on a whim. I used a Micron pen and a few Prismacolor markers. Measures 8x10". Woo! Scanned copy of today's drawing. Trying to get braver about design within an image..not sure if I'll go forward with it though. This is an 8x10" pen drawing on bristol.
6x9" pen drawing..then I traced the drawing and used both on a 9x12" bristol piece of paper with sumi ink, mixed with book page silhouette cutout and various other cutouts.
Been watching lots of Office reruns lately, so decided to draw clips and turn my obsession into something more involved. By the way, that's Oscar. 9x6" pen on bristol.
oh you know, just drinking out of a Russian-flag inspired beverage container. American name that's easy to convert to Russian equivalent. 5x9"ish pen drawing with prisma.
FOR 11-16-2011. not like everyone wants to go.
Here's a pen drawing on 9x12" bristol paper. I intend on filling in the details of the cliff side the figure is sitting, but alas-this is the drawing for this day. the snow,the trees, winter in a different place.
This is a drawing on vellum, cut and folded over an appropriated magazine page tear-out. Mounted on bristol, measures 8x10" This section is meant to log my drawings for the time being. I haven't been drawing as much as I should, so I'm doing something about it. This was drawn on an 17x11" vellum paper. Let's see where this goes from here...
AboutIn progress/my past drawing-a-day project. Also check out my Archives
January 2017