Hello! I decided I should once again, begin sharing drawings on here as I make them. I'm hesitant to commit to another one-a-day thing, because I have 5 paintings in progress right now. I like a challenge though, so we'll see how frequent the drawings turn out!
Today I did a drawing of Kendrick Lamar on a whim. I used a Micron pen and a few Prismacolor markers. Measures 8x10". Woo! Sitting by the window during daytime. Thanks to my friend Natalie, the musician, for letting me use her photo as a reference. Drawing is 5x8" on vellum.
Three weeks of drawing complete! Woo!, Thanks to Andrea for letting me use her photographs again and again.
Middle of the week and the middle of the month. Fifteenth day in a row! This is another one of those images I've been meaning to draw for years.
This is a drawing of myself, from a photo that I didn't know was being taken...in which I unintentionally turned away.
It's a little loose, but it's also a little late. August 13 drawing is one I've been wanting to draw for some time now. Years after we took the photo. Sharpie text omitted.
Better 2am post than no post! This image is of my childhood best friend, grown up with a guitar still in hand. 6"x6" and yet another pen drawing. Thanks Liz for letting me draw this photo.
This is a 7"x7" pen drawing, referencing a photo from a time I lived with my best friend and probably read too much Bukowski. Drink then spin. One week complete!
I may want to re-consider this image as a color painting; I don't think pen quite lives up to the original. All those lines in the building were a doozy to draw out! Thanks to my friend Destiny, for letting me use her photograph.
Drawing of a double exposure - a self portrait from several months ago. Kind of a head-spinner to draw. Matches this day.
Picked an image with teeth, upturned nose, mouth, ear, hair, clothing, and heavy cast shadow on a day I worked a 9 hour shift. Saturday is for staying busy.
Another pen drawing, 9"x6" on bristol. Someone's shopping for some CDs. I had fun with the dark clothing.
I am doing another drawing-a-day series for this month of August. Any feedback is appreciated, the pressure to complete is ON.
Here's the first drawing, a 5x7" pen drawing on bristol of a child. It's of my niece, actually. She's a twin, but hopefully those who know my family can decipher which girl it is. Guessing game. oh you know, just drinking out of a Russian-flag inspired beverage container. American name that's easy to convert to Russian equivalent. 5x9"ish pen drawing with prisma.
FOR 11-16-2011. |
AboutIn progress/my past drawing-a-day project. Also check out my Archives
January 2017