Carried away with prisma color markers.
May not draw tomorrow as I will be spending the day with family and friends.
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6x9" pen drawing..then I traced the drawing and used both on a 9x12" bristol piece of paper with sumi ink, mixed with book page silhouette cutout and various other cutouts.
for Saturday, the 19th. late night drawing of a porcelain flower..and a vellum cut out with old pen drawing..over magazine clipping.
Getting behind posting drawings, and with the holidays coming up..ahh almost a month in!
This is a fast (perhaps..unfinished..) drawing from Friday, the 18th. I had a friend's art show to go to after work okay. COWS. in the road. from a photograph I took in Russia, summer 2007. Been watching lots of Office reruns lately, so decided to draw clips and turn my obsession into something more involved. By the way, that's Oscar. 9x6" pen on bristol.
oh you know, just drinking out of a Russian-flag inspired beverage container. American name that's easy to convert to Russian equivalent. 5x9"ish pen drawing with prisma.
FOR 11-16-2011. Prisma marker and pen..lots of lines vaguely referencing a blurry photo of a friend. Obviously there are several inaccuracies, but it's 2AM and I don't wanna start a new one!
My sister was in town!, so am just now getting around to posting yesterday's drawing. Sketchbook drawing self-portrait thang with a little bookmark I made.
Nap on mountain couch. Black pen on 9x12" bristol.
WILL get new camera soon...sorry for the poor quality photos. Bar drawing done in my moleskin sketchbook, in pen. Discarded lime, drink rings, and cup shadow
&re-appropriating a study from spring. 4.5x7" book page. was a long day, literally. tomorrow's drawing will be fresh..didn't wanna leave today blank!
not like everyone wants to go.
Here's a pen drawing on 9x12" bristol paper. I intend on filling in the details of the cliff side the figure is sitting, but alas-this is the drawing for this day. This is a pencil drawing done entirely with a 2H pencil on 9x12" bristol paper. It is not as "finished" as it could be, but hey I said I'd only spend a day on these. Feels like I apply graphite like paint.
P.S. the photos aren't that great because I'm using my iphone..needing a new camera. the snow,the trees, winter in a different place.
This is a drawing on vellum, cut and folded over an appropriated magazine page tear-out. Mounted on bristol, measures 8x10" This section is meant to log my drawings for the time being. I haven't been drawing as much as I should, so I'm doing something about it. This was drawn on an 17x11" vellum paper. Let's see where this goes from here...
AboutIn progress/my past drawing-a-day project. Also check out my Archives
January 2017